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First blog!


Thanks for joining me on this journey. I’ve decided to migrate my blog from Medium to my own domain, so I can have better control over it and not have it stuck behind a paywall for some viewers.

Now that I’ve migrated the blog over to my own platform that I manage, I can write in markdown which make it super easy and intuitive to write. Plus, I kind of like moving away from tracking stats so I can just rant about whatever that’s on my mind, without caring about who’s viewing or what posts/subjects attract more readers because I don’t want to care about any of that!

To celebrate the roll out of my new blog, I am going to try to write a blog each day for this whole month, except weekends maybe. I will not promise anything on the content quality, I’m using this as a personal brain dump for myself, and whoever find it valuable. I notice myself thinking about random things while I’m on my way to/from work. So whatever research I do to get myself there to answer my internal brain, it’ll probably show up here. Plus, I’m hoping to share more of my professional journey here so I can laugh at myself a few years from now, so enjoy!

More writings, yay!

What this blog will consist of:

  • General day to day, fun stuffs - other
  • Conferences - conferences
  • More technical write up under - technical, ir, engineering, offensive, defensive, appsec, intel
  • Nuggets of things that I’ve learned - learning
  • Books I enjoy - books
  • Personal journey - personal
  • Travel - travel

PS: I have not migrated all posts over, if you would like to access some of the old stuffs, you can still check it out at